Welcome to the new Great Plains Flax blog. This will soon be the place for Great Plains Flax news, new articles on Flax seed and upcoming specials and discounts. We hope you enjoy our new more dynamic website that will allow for more user interactions and customer feedback.

new09/18/15 - We are excited to announce that Great Plains Flax has been acquired by North Dakota Based Stevens Farm, a family owned and operated farm and flax seed grower since 1950.

Now that we have found the perfect acquisition partner, Connie and I can finally retire. We want to thank all of our loyal customers over the past 14 years. We will miss you all dearly and we are truly sad to close this chapter in our lives. However, we are very excited that Stevens Farm, who shares our values and our dedication to our customers, will be taking over our operations. You will be in great hands and Stevens Farm provides the same high quality, family farm grown North Dakota golden flax seed that we have been providing. Stevens Farm has been family owned & operated since 1950 in Renville County North Dakota. They have long been a competitor of ours and we have looked up to them and their product so we are very pleased that they were willing to purchase our operation and take over supporting our loyal customers. Like us, they also offer Free Shipping on all orders to the US 48 States!

Please welcome March Stevens and family, they will now handle all golden flax seed orders both online and over the phone at: 1-888-783-2545


UPDATE 12/20/13 – Some Recent Customer Testimonials: Here are some recent testimonials we have received from happy customers.

12/20/13 — “Wow, you could compete with Jimmy John’s Sandwiches- that was freaky fast! Enjoy your vacation.” — Mike

12/19/13 — “Thank you! Love your product! Merry Christmas!” – Wendy R.

12/04/13 — “Wow! Thanks so much for getting this out so quickly!“ – Jennifer M.

09/26/13 — “Thanks- love the product, your recipes, etc, and even love the container- it’s a definite reuse container for other things.  I am a great proponent of the product and have all my friends using it now.  If you ever want to send me copies of materials, I’ll give them to everyone.“ – Wendy O., CEO of a major Home Health company

UPDATE 07/15/13: Many of you have been calling us in the last few days about this very significant medical study that has started getting alot of press in the past few days. In case you haven’t heard, ”Fish oils may raise prostate cancer risks, study confirms“.

The researchers found a 71% increased risk of a type of aggressive prostate cancer in men who took high doses of fish oils. What was also noted in the study was that this increased risk was NOT found with people who were taking flaxseed.

“Fatty acids found in vegetable oils, flaxseeds and other vegetable sources—including alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)–did not affect prostate cancer risk, the researchers found.”

What does this mean for Great Plains Flax and our flaxseed users, well in our opinion it confirms what we have suspected for a long time. The further you get away from the natural form of a supplement or healthy superfood the more likely its benefits start to disappear and problems start being discovered. The fish oil tablets are highly processed and in fact most of us probably have no idea what goes into taking fish carcasses and extracting the oils and then encapsulating it into a gel-like tablet which is likely run through factory conveyor belts and sorted into bottles and then shipped to drug stores all over the country. Compare this to our flax seeds which are harvested on North Dakota farms thoroughly washed and cleaned of impurities and extra chaff and then placed into containers to then be shipped to our customers. These seeds are never pre-ground and thus have a tremendous shelf-life and their health properties are not exposed to air or degraded until the customer grinds them prior to their use. Is there any wonder why our customers are so loyal and continue to spread the word among their neighbors.