Health Benefits of Flax Seeds

health benefits of flax seedThe National Cancer Institute has identified golden flax seeds as a food product that deserves further study and attention because of its potential cancer fighting properties and many health benefits. According to the U. S. Department of Agriculture, golden flax seeds contain 27 identifiable cancer preventive compounds. Medical sources abound that have published clinical results concluding that golden flax seed can have a positive impact on your overall health.

The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute suggests adding flaxseeds, walnuts and canola oil to your daily meal plan to improve overall health. These foods are high in an omega-3 fat called alpha-linolenic acid and appear to lower triglyceride levels. Fatty fish, such as bluefish, salmon, halibut and sardines, also contain omega-3 fats. Including these fish two to three times a week may help keep triglyceride levels stable.

Some of the potential health benefits of flax seeds that have been reported: (Please note these claims have not been evaluated by the FDA. See disclaimer)


  • Lowered blood cholesterol levels
  • Gluten Free
  • Lowered high blood pressure
  • Increased energy, vitality, and stamina
  • Increased sense of calmness under stress
  • Reduced threat of blood clots
  • Protection against cancers, particularly hormone sensitive cancers such as breast and prostate
  • Better regulation of blood sugar levels
  • Eases inflammatory tissue conditions, including arthritis
  • Alleviation of dry skin, eczema and psoriasis
  • Enhanced immune system
  • Increased metabolic rate with a positive impact on weight management
  • Helps with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
  • Natural laxative

What the Experts have to say about FLAX:

  • Gandhi once observed, “wherever flax seed becomes a regular food item among people, there will be better health.”
  • Dr. Bob Arnot recommends 25 grams of flaxseed a day (approximately 1/4 cup ground) to protect against the development of breast cancer.**
  • Dr. Andrew Weil and Omega-3

Try this FLAX HEALTH tip:

Use the golden flax seeds instead of the oil – although flaxseed oil contains omega-3 fatty acids, it doesn’t contain the beneficial lignans and fiber that are removed in the process of making the oil.

Dietary Sources of 1 gram of Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Sources Amount needed Calories
Flaxseed oil 1/2 teaspoon 20
Ground Flaxseed 1-1/2 teaspoon 40
Walnut halves 5 70
Canola Oil 2 teaspoons 80
Soybean Oil 1 tablespoon 120
Wheat germ oil 1 tablespoon 120
Salmon, herring,
albacore, sardine, rainbow trout, eel
2 ounces 100
Other fish contain
some omega 3, but not as much
9 – 12 ounces 300(or
Broccoli, cooked 5 cups 220
Spinach, cooked 10 cups 280
Soy nuts 3/4 cup 285
Rice Bran oil 4 tablespoons 480